You say you are against universal healthcare because it isn't constitutional. Yet you fail to notice that "general welfare" amenities like emergency services, infrastructure and public education are government run. You say you are against universal healthcare because it is socialized medicine. Yet you fail to notice the U.S. already has socialized medicine -- Medicare. You say you are against universal healthcare because it is unnecessary. Yet you omit preventative care and treatments in your assessment of the services available to the uninsured. You say you are against universal healthcare because the majority of those polled were satisfied with the current system. Yet you fail to clarify what proportion of those surveyed were without health insurance. You say you are against universal healthcare because it will bankrupt the country. Yet you forget the $915 billion we've spent (so far!) on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You say you are against universal healthcare because you don't want the government telling you what to do with/to your own body. Yet your political affiliation has been telling women what to do with their bodies and reproductive health for generations. You say you are against universal healthcare because you are protecting liberty. Yet you restrict the 'quality or state of being free' to white Christian men. You say you are against universal healthcare because it is the antithesis of capitalism and people will inherently do what is best for all. Yet you fail to realize how contradictory that statement is.
[It is so frustrating to have a discussion with you about this topic because you rely on smoke and mirrors. If I argued for universal healthcare by citing the Bible and using vague patriotic terms like freedom and liberty, then I too would be untouchable.]